Sunday side note: Phil Collins

Katie Drummond, The Verge:

I love Phil Collins because his melodies are catchy as hell. I love him because his lyrics are often unintentionally hilarious and he just owns them anyways. I love him because that 3:40 drum crash on “In The Air Tonight” gets me every damn time.

Mock me all you want. After all, this isn’t a salute to the prowess of Deadmau5 or Pharrell or some other musical act you won’t be ruthlessly derided for appreciating. But guess what? Phil Collins makes catchy tunes, catchy tunes are fun to listen to, and you’re probably not as cool as you think you are anyways. So pour a glass of wine, close all the curtains, and get ready…to dance into the light.

The master of pop hooks; the harbinger of gated reverb; the purveyor of heartbreak and melancholy. Sounding a bit like a robot is pretty awesome too. One of my top 5 favorite artists, no shame.

Great picks, Katie. Now, back to that musical adaption of Bicentennial Man I’ve been working on…