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By Kyle Starr

Will Ferrell's SuperMegaBlastMax Gamer Challenge

Hello people of the video game universe…its your friend Will Ferrell!

How would you like to join me for a delightful evening of playing video games together? The only appropriate answer is YES!

I want to throw one of the coolest video game events in the history of mankind, possibly even dating back to the time of the dinosaurs, and I’m extending this challenge to gamers: Raise $375,000 for charity and children with cancer and then I’ll host the event on October 26th…AND, one lucky winner (aka one of you reading right now) could join me for this life altering moment in beautiful San Francisco!

I’ll bring the roll of quarters, all I ask is for you to make a donation in support of children and families suffering from cancer.

Sounds like a good contest/kickerstarter for a great cause. Head over to for more information.