Metroid Prime Trilogy for $10
Headed straight to, signed in, purchased, and redeemed to remotely download on my Wii U at home. A seamless experience, assuming I have enough space on my Wii U.
I’ve only played through Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, but I enjoyed every bit of the experience. Gorgeous worlds, beautiful score, and a stellar if not the best use of the Wii Remote + Nunchuck.
As a reminder, current Wii Games on Wii U do not support the GamePad. Like This caveat is a problem.
[Via Polygon]
Update: Apparently, I didn’t have enough free space. I returned home and turned on my Wii U expecting to see a Metroid Prime Trilogy icon, but there was none to be found. Nor a confirmation or error message present. Confused, Iollowed the instructions here, deleted Super Smash Bros. (sacrilegious, I know), and completed the download.
If Wii U can receive remote instruction to download, it should be able to fire back status updates. It’s not that I would be able to do anything about it, but at the very least I would know what to expect when I arrived home. This is especially alarming for large games. Instead of side-stepping hours of download and install time while at away or sleeping, customers will be disappointed to find that the download never even started. While I’m all for patience in the name of entertainment, I am passionately opposed to misguiding expectations. Under promise and over deliver. Not the other way around.