E3 2014: Genre/Gender Breakdown
Continuing my research of video game genre and protagonist/main character gender, here is the collected data from E3 2014. The sample list of 152 video games was sourced from IGN’s Games at E3 2014, platform data mapped to a quantifiable “TRUE”/”FALSE” list, genre lists collected from both IGN and Wikipedia (limited to primary genre), and the main character gender researched to the best of my ability.
Elaborating on the gender categories:
“Multi” being either:
- multiple characters to select from (ie. Mario Kart 8 / Killer Instinct receive 1 count for “multi” although there are several characters to select from)
- customizable gender
- large customizable party
“n/a” being a:
- gender ambiguous character
- god-view game
- first-person with no direct gender association
Some key points:
- My data can be found here. (Numbers online)
- Sample size = 152 games
- 13 exclusively female protagonists/main characters vs. 47 exclusively male protagonists
- Female protagonists by year:
- 2012: 2%
- 2013: 6%
- 2014: 9%
Additional reference:
- E3 2013: Genre/Gender Breakdown, along with E3 2012 data