E3 2014: Genre/Gender Breakdown

Continuing my research of video game genre and protagonist/main character gender, here is the collected data from E3 2014. The sample list of 152 video games was sourced from IGN’s Games at E3 2014, platform data mapped to a quantifiable “TRUE”/”FALSE” list, genre lists collected from both IGN and Wikipedia (limited to primary genre), and the main character gender researched to the best of my ability.

Elaborating on the gender categories:

“Multi” being either:

  • multiple characters to select from (ie. Mario Kart 8 / Killer Instinct receive 1 count for “multi” although there are several characters to select from)
  • customizable gender
  • large customizable party

“n/a” being a:

  • gender ambiguous character
  • god-view game
  • first-person with no direct gender association

E3 2014, protagonist gender distribution per genre

E3 2014, genre per platform

E3 2014, genre per brand (pie chart)

E3 2014, genre per brand

E3 2014, protagonist gender distribution per brand

Some key points:

  • My data can be found here. (Numbers online)
  • Sample size = 152 games
  • 13 exclusively female protagonists/main characters vs. 47 exclusively male protagonists
  • Female protagonists by year:
    • 2012: 2%
    • 2013: 6%
    • 2014: 9%

Additional reference: